Attention 8th Grade Families - Don't forget to buy your Graduation Celebration tickets by 5/17:
over 2 years ago, Karen Spencer
Lakeview class of 2022 graduation party may 23 5:30 on Lakeview campus
Our team would like to explore the Professional Learning Lab, explore it more and see how we can use the information we learn to improve instruction.
over 2 years ago, Amy Burrows
"4 Js and a Brian" greatly enjoyed their time together, and getting to know one another, professionally and personally; many laughs were shared. Creating our bumper sticker really represented the goals of the strategic plan, which we spent our morning learning about. Another good take away was the top ten list we made, which represents goals from the strategic plan.
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Maass
Grateful for a fun day of professional development with one of my Early Childhood colleagues. We learned about how our strategic plan will focus on the social emotional needs of our students, using empathy to build a more enriching learning environment across the district.
over 2 years ago, Jacob Little
Colleen Morgan (Ide) and Jake Little (LV) reflecting on their “Amazing Race” PD
Amazing Race Team 2!!! We are excited to teach to our students on the edges (inspired by the Myth of Average Ted Talk Video.)
over 2 years ago, Jennifer Rickert
Congratulations to the Lakeview Choir who received a Superior Rating at the IGSMA State Festival.
almost 3 years ago, Jennifer Rickert
Choir State Photo
Congratulations to 7th grade historian Lydia Jayne for being selected to represent Illinois at National History Day!! Only 2 documentaries are chosen from Illinois, and her work on the 1986 Challenger space shuttle explosion was recognized for its excellence. Great job, Lydia!!
almost 3 years ago, Jacob Little
Lydia presenting her documentary at March’s Chicago History Day competition
Lakeview Band Shines at Prairie State Festival Congratulations to the Lakeview Symphonic Winds, under the direction of Mr. Tom Tedeschi and Mr. Brian Ohlsenon on their outstanding performance this weekend at the Prairie State Middle School Concert Band Festival. This festival was held at Wentz Concert Hall on the Campus of North Central College and is affiliated with a national organization Music for All. They recieved high praise and great comments by the nationally recognized clinicians. Make plans to see this group perform at their Spring Concert Wed. May 18 at 7pm.
almost 3 years ago, Tom Tedeschi
Lakeview Band Shines at Prairie State Festival Congratulations to the Lakeview Symphonic Winds, under the direction of Mr. Tom Tedeschi and Mr. Brian Ohlsenon on their outstanding performance this weekend at the Prairie State Middle School Concert Band Festival. This festival was held at Wentz Concert Hall on the Campus of North Central College and is affiliated with a national organization Music for All. They recieved high praise and great comments by the nationally recognized clinicians. Make plans to see this group perform at their Spring Concert Wed. May 18 at 7pm.
almost 3 years ago, Tom Tedeschi
Your LV PTO Movie Night Committee is proud to host our first 8th-grade-only event this Friday as part of our series of events celebrating our graduates. Deadline to purchase tickets is tomorrow. Below are the details: SPIDERMAN: FAR FROM HOME Rated PG-13 Friday, April 8, 2022 from 6:00 - 8:30pm Cost: $8 per student The movie will be shown in the gym - students may bring blankets or pillows to use during the movie. Drop-off will be 6:00pm at the Lakeview Main entrance. The movie will start promptly at 6:15pm. *There will be no admittance after 6:15p.m.* Student pick-up is 8:30 - please be prompt in picking up your child. Visit Friday's Weekly Parent Update for the link to register. Deadline to purchase tickets online is tomorrow.
almost 3 years ago, Jessica Foster
Today's monthly visit from the IPPL hosted in our LRC! Students are having fun and engaged as they are learning how to use the embossing machine to create bookmarks.
almost 3 years ago, Mrs. Collins
photo 3
Photo 2
This week, our Spartans are developing their digital and media literacy skills in 8th Grade ELA. They are analyzing ad campaigns of the product of their choice using the Four Ps of Marketing: Product, Pricing, Promotion, and Placement.
almost 3 years ago, Joy DeFors
Image of Edea Skates Print Add
Image of Lululemon add
Image of Mtn Dew Commerical
Last Saturday, 29 Lakeview students participated in the Chicago Metro History Day competition held at the Chicago History Museum. Over 1,100 students from around Chicagoland participate. Our “Spartan historians” were wonderful representatives of their classmates and school!
almost 3 years ago, Jacob Little
Max & Brianna with their exhibit on the National Child Labor Committee (partner Bansi not pictured).
Gio & his proud exhibit on Midway Airport.
Several 7th graders in the “Facing Freedom” interactive exhibit.
Lydia sharing her documentary on the Challenger disaster
The Lakeview Symphonic Winds did a fantastic job on their performance this weekend at the Southeast DuPage Festival of Bands. Great feedback from the clinicians will help us improve for our next performance on April 9. Well Done Spartans!!
almost 3 years ago, Tom Tedeschi
Southeast DuPage
Center Cass Community Band Concert Please join us this Sunday, March 20th at 4:00pm for our "March" Madness concert at Lakeview JHS. This is a great family event with some awesome March Music. Tell your friends and neighbors!
almost 3 years ago, Tom Tedeschi
Reminder: Cyber Safety Parent University at Prairieview School tomorrow, 3/12/22, at 9:00 am. We hope you can attend! Go to for more info.
almost 3 years ago, Karen Spencer
students on phone and laptop that reads Parent University Cyber Safety Sat., March 12, 2022
Bravo to Emily M., Emily F., Lucy D., Lydia J., and Max T. on their fantastic performances at the D66 School Board Mtg. Thank you for sharing your talents with our community
almost 3 years ago, Tom Tedeschi
Another TEAM 66 Raffle live spin is tonight at 7pm! Don't forget to grab your tickets for a chance to win some great prizes or experiences! Ticket sales close at 5pm for tonight's spin!
almost 3 years ago, Karen Spencer
Book with words Team 66 Super Raffle!
Bravo to the 7th and 8th grade Lakeview Band students who participated in this weekends DGS Jr. High Band Camp day on Saturday. The LV Band students worked with the DGS band directors and students in both a Jazz Band and Concert Band. What a fantastic connection to DGS Bands.
almost 3 years ago, Tom Tedeschi
TEAM 66 Super Raffle: Last chance for some great items! Get them while you can! Cut off is 6pm and the LIVE spin is tonight at 7pm!
almost 3 years ago, Karen Spencer
Book with words Team 66 Super Raffle!