It was great to recognize Scholastic Bowl and Girls Soccer at todays assembly. We hope everyone has a great Spring Break! #WhateverItTakes #SpartanStrong
Spartans, looking for something fun to do over Spring Break? The 3rd Annual Lakeview Photography Contest is the answer! Pictures submitted must be TAKEN from March 24th to April 11th. There are 5 themed categories and prizes will be awarded to the top photo in each category.
Congratulations to the LV Scholastic Bowl team on their win over Cass!
Prairieview was the site of the 2023 Southeast DuPage Festival of Bands on Saturday, 3/11. Seven bands were represented from 5 schools. This year, participants included Lakeview JHS, Old Quarry, Cass, Westview Hills, and Eisenhower. Each ensemble performed and had the opportunity to work with our three outstanding clinicians. Bravo to all our performing groups.
Great job by the Varsity and JV Girls Volleyball teams!!! #WhateverItTakes #SpartanStrong
Thank you Mrs. Newman and the 8th graders for my ceiling tile! I love it ❤️
Last week the culinary class "How Appetizing" took on appetizers from China and made Potstickers. These 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students did an incredible job making the wrappers from scratch, building flavors in the filling, and cooking them up with oil and steam.
We also learned that dumplings are found in so many different cultures: Potstickers from China, Empanadas from Spain, Pierogis from Poland, Ravioli from Italy; where in the world is your favorite dumpling found?
The Anderson's Book Fair is on at Lakeview - but you can shop online too! There are loads of books and basket filler gifts available (preschool to adult). This sale supports our school as well as a local business. Open Thursday evening during Spartan Showcase too.
The DGS Royalty Steppers came to Lakeview to perform a Black History program for students. The performance was OUTSTANDING! It was filled with energy, sound, talent, and lessons about the history of step dancing as a form of communication and celebration. After school, the DGS Royalty Steppers offered an hour long clinic for any interested Lakeview students to learn step dancing moves. Our students enjoyed getting to know the DGS students and learning about new opportunities for them in high school. It was a great afternoon - THANK YOU DGS Royalty Steppers!
The Anderson's Book Fair is coming to Lakeview - Feb 27th to March 2nd! Students will be able to attend during school hours and the fair will be open to the public during Spartan Showcase. There are awesome things from ages preschool to adult!
The LV LRC and the Indian Prairie Public Library hosted a Spartan Hour of coding and fun. #librariesmatter #SpartanStrong
Great performance by the Varsity and JV Volleyball teams tonight! #WhateverItTakes #SpartanStrong
It takes a village! The LV LRC partners regularly with Indian Prairie Public Library! Whether it is combining with LRC to offer additional materials for research, or working with us to provide special items requested, we are thankful for the community partnership!
Last week, 7th gr students in Mrs. Burrows's class engaged in a class discussion about Strong as Fire, Fierce as Flame, the Global Read Aloud novel we are reading in class. To learn HOW to have a discussion, students faced each other in a circle and could choose to do any of the following: ask a question, reply to someone's question, build on another student's idea, or comment about something interesting they noticed in the novel. Students were engaged, and quickly realized listening is just as important as speaking in a discussion. They did a great job!
Boys basketball wins in the first round of the SDEAA tournament. Great job and good luck next week! #WhateverItTakes #SpartanStrong
In collaboration with Anderson’s Bookshop, Katherine Marsh, award-winning author, came to speak today. She engaged the students in a presentation that included information on her family’s history in Ukraine, writing, and her new book. She was amazing!
Only 2 more days until our author visit! Katherine Marsh has written 6 books, and holds a long list of book awards. We are so excited to partner with Anderson's Bookshop to bring her to Lakeview. Personalized, signed copies of her latest books are also available for purchase.
Looking to purchase a signed and personalized book from our author visit? Here is the order form to be turned into the LRC or your ELA teacher.
Our author visit is approaching! Don't forget to bring your order form back before Jan 24th.
Congratulations to Mr. Ohlsen and the Lakeview Jr. High School Jazz Band students on their fantastic performance tonight at the DGS Jazz Cafe. The played with great passion and enthusiasm. We are so proud of the work this group has done in the short time they have been working together. The Lakeview Jazz Band is back! Thanks to the staff at DGS for hosting this great event for all the middle school Jazz Bands. Way to go Spartan Bands!!